
Saturday, 2 June 2012

Apostolic Genius

What makes Alan Hirsch so Good is that he is so readable. But he has good insights. His take on the 'Apostolic Genius' and the idea that the basic DNA of missional ministry is latent, there inside us by the Holy Spirit is, I believe, right on. Whilst firmly rejecting the utility in perpetuating a Christendom church model, he offers real alternatives and encouragement to look back into the Bible and meaningful
engagement with our culture.

But, as it hits me again and again in reading folk when they speak of 'mission', I don't yet find him clear enough in distinguishing what he actually believes that 'mission' is. What is more clear to me than ever is that the simple triad of 'marturia-diakonia-euangelia' is the key to a holistic perception of mission, brought into profile by the drivers that arise from our identity in God together with the eschatological foci of the Christian life.