
Friday, 22 June 2012

Sounding through

I've been thinking a bit about three dimensions. Three seems to be so much part of the DNA life. There are 'persons'  - per - sonare - 'sounding through' as dimensions of the One God in His dynamic reality and revelation.  Light itself, which is an instrument in carrying life to us, has three primary colours. And it leads me to reflect on how there're three primary dimensions to our life with God. Through the cross of Christ we're faced with the reality and an experience of the forgiveness that Jesus brings to us. Through the Holy Spirit touching our lives we meet with the embrace of Father's love. But there's something more than forgiveness and embrace, whilst these are central and essential. There is the command of Father and empowerment for discipleship living. Forgiveness leading to freedom. Embrace releasing into love. Command and empowering for mission. Can we try to get the balance right?