And all of us need to be hydrated by the Holy Spirit, poured out by Jesus. It is through hydrated faith that the truth of the Word is enabled within us, is released into dynamic reality in our life.
I am increasingly aware of the importance of these two components being present for effective Christian discipleship and growth:
Firstly, imagination exercised, in faith, to envision the material realities of the Kingdom of God. This will find legitimate expression in:
a. A pursuit of righteousness and justice, prioritising care for the disadvantaged. Often sacrificial, always involving self-humbling and the 'mortification of the flesh'.
b. Health and prosperity and a belief in God’s good intent to us, leading to sincere worship and commitment to pursuing lifestyle that will promote and develop these.
c. Appropriating a theology of Holy Space and a commitment to being intentionally relational in that space.
d. A blending together of a belief and commitment to the 3 primary colours of integrated, missional theology: Witness, Service and Evangelism.
Secondly, there will be a seeking for the presence, purpose and power of the Holy Spirit, enabling us to do the things Jesus - the things of the Kingdom of God. Unless there is longing and expectation for the Holy Spirit to come, then there is no service of the Kingdom of God.
Imagination and infusion in Jesus’ name.