
Saturday, 12 May 2012

Fellowship around the UK

Alan, Jacqueline and I have had a very profitable and enjoyable time here in Birmingham during 24 hours of the Fellowship of Baptists in Britain and Ireland. It is exciting to see such a pioneering and responsible group of people gather as servants of the networks of Baptist churches across these islands.

Increasingly, I find that the hallmark of Baptist leadership is not what many people think. There is a huge amount of readiness to be radical and face the exciting challenges of these changing times.  Initiatives are real and genuine in progressing the matters of the kingdom of God.

The strap lines that I'll remember, in addition to many wise words spoken in this time, are:
  • 'relationship is a contact sport'
  • any initiative should pass the test of being either 'useful or exciting' for our people in churches
It is a genuine privilege to be part of this group and I look forward to our next meeting later in the year.