John 20:19-23
Do not be afraid, when you sense God knocking at the door of your life. Open the door to let Jesus Christ in (Revelation 3.20). Jesus wants to come and and impart to you His peace. Jesus is sending you into the world, today. Yes, you are vulnerable. Jesus knows how you feel (Hebrews 2.10-11). Your calling is to bear His presence and peace into the lives of those you meet.
You have an awesome responsibility and gift to impart. You are to show mercy and grant forgiveness to people (Matthew 16.19), just as you have been forgiven (Luke 7.47). Your duty now is to forgive and show mercy (Matthew 18.21-35). This is a basic discipline to embrace, part of your calling as a disciple of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5.18-19).
Lord Jesus, you are the Prince of Peace. You impart to people, by the Holy Spirit, a peace that is unsurpassable. Strengthen me to carry that peace into the lives of those around me. Let me be a bearer of mercy, a bringer of forgiveness. Enable me to to be a herald of hope and healing to those who are harmed and hurting. To our Father’s glory, Amen