
Sunday 24 November 2013

Hope and Calvin

Calvin has been called, 'the theologian of hope'. I like that. I started my theological journey with immersion in the writings of John Calvin. And I soon realised, as even the most superficial use of a biblical concordance will demonstrate, that a Biblical understanding of the Christian life starts with news of hope. Signs of hope. God's covenants declared and demonstrated. To Noah, Abram, Moses, David and the promise of the New Covenant: all finding their fulfilment through Jesus Christ. In this, I am a Calvinist.

I meet too few such Calvinists, these days.  Many people want to start with their faith. Their ideas and opinions. Their fancies. Not enough realise that faith is the sustance of things hoped for. That effective faith can only be birthed out of hope.

It was a joy to meet and share with Jill Rowe, Ethos and Resource Director of Oasis UK, when I officiated at the ordination of Gary Smith in Aberdeen today. We talked about hope and agreed together on its priority. She talked about how thirstly and hungry young people are, throughout our land, to hear of the Christian good news of hope. Hope that you have faith in and live and love for.

Nice to know there are people who are committed to holding out hope to others.