
Wednesday, 25 January 2012

The Kingdom in space and place

Once more, deeply impressed in listening to Mike Pears at the IBTS Community's communion service, as he expounded Luke 19 and expanded insights on how Jesus draws in those who are excluded in terms of this world's values and priorities, to be included by Him within His space and place. Where He eats and drinks with them; and how, conversely, those who we assume to have power and prestige in this world, in terms of inclusion and acceptance,  can be seen to withdraw from the vocation of Jesus Christ whilst this world's 'rejects' are welcomed and restored to the indestructible physical presence of God's Kingdom that comes through Jesus Christ..

What is seminal in Mike's emphasis is that he relates issues of inclusion, reaching to the marginalised and the expression of compassion etc. to the practicalities of the space that we occupy and the place we meet in. This is so Biblical and so baptist. No abstract values left as ideal or doctrines held as private persuasions. No place for private preoccupations with personal fancies that flee from reality. What matters in the physicality of our gathering, the way we welcome people and treat with them in the physical space we occupy and the places we pass through.

So obvious yet so refreshingly different. And how such an approach challenges us to reappropriate the reality of physical presence, and what we do where we are, as central to the essence of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God come among us and found among us in flesh and blood.