Submission is not something that we find readily acceptable in our day. The rights of the individual are so strongly asserted that any challenge to free, personal determination can be received as a violation.
But this is how it is in the life of Christian discipleship. Our Lord models submission, submission to the God of Israel, Creator and Sustainer of the Cosmos. Although in the nature of God, he embraced the nature of a servant and, as man, humbled himself in obedience. For the Christian, submission is a necessary way.
Submission begins in the heart of each of us. But it does not end there. The security of corporate discernment is that it is allows an environment of confirmation as to the will of God. Submission to our own delusion or ambition is no submission at all. It is one of the beauties of fellowship in Christ that we should find confirmation through the discernment and confirmation of others. If we are truly seeking to submit to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.