Karl Barth –a great theologian, misunderstood and misrepresented by so many. But does dogmatic theology get better than this?
“If God required and makes possible that He should be served by the creature, this service means that the creature is taken up into the sphere of divine lordship. We have always to remember that God’s glory really consists in His self-giving, and that this has its centre and meaning in God’s Son, Jesus Christ, and that the name of Jesus Christ stands for the event in which humanity, and in humanity the whole of creation, is awakened and called and enabled to participate in the being of God …. The self declaration of God is true and real, which means that God Himself is God in such a way that He wills to have the creature as a creature with Him, that He does not will to be God without it, without claiming it, but also without being personally present to it”
(Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics 2.1 pp. 670 & 756, quoted by John Flett in his impressive monograph, The Witness of God, Eerdmans, 2010, p. 196.)