
Wednesday 19 February 2014

Risk Averse?

Are you 'risk averse'? If so, you might well be feeling spiritually flat. It's not just a matter of adrenolin. It's to do with the command of God and our active response of faith.

The Kingdom of God is steadily advancing. His redeeming, rescuing and restoring activity is constantly reaching out as many come to faith throughout the world - especially in areas where becoming or being a Christian is not 'safe'. Why is that?

Maybe its because 'risk averse' people always want to walk by sight. Safe ideas. Safe budgets. Safe, secure planning. Faith is replaced by engaging entertainment and defined doctrine.

People of faith take risks. they open their Bibles and look to be challenged. They hear the call and command of God, in Jesus' name, to roll back the boundaries and go outside the safe, city walls into new and dangerous territory: to cross Red Seas and deserts and face potential devastation. Because they invest in what God has promised to do in and through them.

Your budget. Your diary. Your security. What risks are you prepared to take, in order to worship God in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit? Decide to take some risks and get real with God again.