
Monday 1 July 2013

The Knowable God

It is occasionally heard that God is, ultimately, unknowable. I disagree. I hear in the Gospel and see in the Scripture quite a different story.

There, we meet the declaration that God is knowable when we recognise Him in the life, ministry and victory of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the εικον of God. Looking at Jesus is to look at God. Listening to Jesus is listening to God.

Isn't God Trinity? Yes. But the reason our forefathers developed a doctrine of Trinity was because they recognised and confessed the Divinity of Jesus. Best to get the order the right way round, eh?

So, knowing God is knowing Jesus. Now the next question: 'how well do you and I know Jesus; and what do we need to do in order to get to know Him better?' Now, that's something to work on.