
Friday 14 December 2012

The endgame of Grace

In the season of Advent, it is good to reflect on the sheer beneficence of God's grace: His favour, freely and willingly bestowed, in love and mercy. Salvation and redemption brought to us in unmerited goodness gifted by God. The Kingdom of God and the wonder expressed and expounded into humanity in the coming of Jesus Christ.

This does not diminish the need for repentance, though. The gift of God's blessing upon us is not the end of the process. God blesses in order to ignite us in His love and mercy. To awaken us to His love and power. To immerse us in the reality of holiness.

But such refreshing and unmerited blessing is not, in itself, the endgame. The endgame is our restoration to effective living as the sons and daughters of God. Transformation and maturity into Christlike conformity.  This is what we hope and wait for.

For restoration to be ushered in, in the face of grace, there need be repentance. Just as Christmas must be followed by Easter, before Pentecost. Repentance leads to Restoration.

Enjoy grace at Christmas. But don't give up on repentance. If you really want to know and see God's full restoration. For that is the endgame of grace.