
Friday 7 September 2012

Discerning the Seasons

It is good to be back in Prague, mixing with colleagues and friends from across the world. It is good too that I can find access to the magnificent Christian library of IBTS, taking time to read and reflect.

I was struck by the devotions this morning in chapel, centring on Luke 5.33-35. There are times of 'feasting and drinking' in the Christian life, when the sheer joy of the Lord's presence and fellowship are overwhelmingly rich and abundant. But these do not last forever - nor should we seek to make them do so. If we do, we will create somethings false, which may well detract us and divert us from the path of faith.

There are also seasons of scarcity and difficulty when we must fast and seek the favour of the Lord again. 

The wisdom lies in discerning which season we are in.