
Monday, 27 February 2012

Missional Holiness

On the back of reading and using Derek Tidball's devotional reflection on Scriptures in The Message Of Holiness, I am enthralled with P T Forsyth's work, The Holy Father. A Scottish theologian and pastor, 100 years ago Forsyth had insight to see that the Gospel cannot be presented in ways that reduce our message to sound like a commodity (getting rid of your sin so that you can reach your potential) or simply a comfort (divine dad loves you heaps so enjoy it).

I am persuaded that Forsyth's message has to be heard afresh: the message of Holy Love. Yes, you are forgiven and your sins are atoned for ..... but it is so that you can now be enabled by God's power to walk in the paths of holiness. Yes, Father God loves you with an unrivalled intensity of love, but it is Holy love that cannot nor will not embrace the stain of sin. A grasp of this holiness brings us fresh relationship to God; a seeking of the authentic presence and power of the Holy Spirit; a desire and focus upon living an alternative life and lifestyle:

"The soul of divine fatherhood is forgiveness by holiness. It is evangelical. It is a matter of grace meeting sin by sacrifice to holiness, more even than of love meeting need by service to man. To correct and revive that truth, to restore it to its place in the proportion of faith, would be to restore passion to our preaching, solemnity to our tenderness, real power to our energy, and moral virility to our piety" (The Holy Father, , p 5).

But there's something more, too. Holiness and the costliness of grace is not simply a pious insight or a personal pilgrimage. There are implications for our understanding of mission. For mission, when truly embraced in holiness, is both about a message and a means of conveying that message. Without holiness sought and working in the messenger, the message is quite likely to be corrupted. The immensity of the cost of grace and the intent of such a self-giving God will more easily be lost sight of. Unless the messenger themselves trembles at the awesome realisation of God's Holy Love outworked at the Cross, there is something lost and potency of transforming grace compromised.

Let's seek afresh the Holy God, the fullness of atoning mercy met with in the mystery revealed in and through Jesus Christ our Lord.