Just back from the annual New Evangelical Theological Symposium, facilitated by a group of us who come from different 'streams' but all of whom might fit the description, 'post-Charismatic' church leaders and theological thinkers. This year we had Mark Bonnington, leader of King's Church Durham, speak to us. He is a New Testament Scholar and also teaches a Masters' course in Charismatic Theology in Durham. Spoke on the theology of the Gospels and Acts, emphasising rich themes: Mark's journey from 'Kingdom to Cross' and John's incarnational Trinitarian theology. Good stuff. Great that we all acknowledged the need for a teleological focus to our message of the Kingdom, reaching towards eschatological fulfilment: which has to give us, in the present, an eschatological focus to all our missional activity. So easy to lose sight of this.
Especially appreciated table talk with Debbie, Roger Foster's daughter, who commented that when we pastor people, we are there not just to shepherd or counsel them, but help them to connect directly with Jesus present with us. And also a wee quotable comment by Mark: "Experiences of the Holy Spirit need theological direction". Amen! We need both theological appreciation and direct experience of the Holy Spirit in our lives. And never to lose sight of Jesus present as the key to it all. So, a worthwhile time.