
Friday, 22 July 2011


I have been strongly drawn to reflect on the Temptations of Jesus and the surrounding narratives in Luke 4, which sees the transition from Jesus’ reception of the Holy Spirit, the subsequent testing in the desert and on into the beginnings of effective ministry.

There is no hiding in the Christian life. What we are in public, in terms of reflecting and being effective in God’s service, is fundamentally shaped by who we are in private. The proving of faithfulness lies not in productivity, but in fruitfulness.

We live in an environment where it is so easy and so tempting to be deceitful. Computers and private space can allow and foster secret indulgences and unhealthy habits. But what is formed in private leads to what is forged in public.

The fight against sin, and resolute resistance and learning to say ‘no!’ to the demands of our flesh, ambitions and insecurities is never an easy one. It has to find motivation in the face of Christ’s call to self-emptying, obedience and service  Only those who truly own allegiance to Jesus Christ will fight on and prevail in the battle that decides our destiny and demonstrates the true tenor of faith.