
Friday, 5 March 2010

Experience talking!

Bill Cowie, the longest serving pastor in our fraternal, presented an excellent paper to us. He spoke of 4 stages that 'work' in evangelism and mission:

1.    consistent contact with people
2.    influential relationship developing
3.    challenge to commitment
4.    social discipleship

In other words, Christians have to make real effort to mix with other folk. And then to allow people to see their lives in a positive way that commends Christ and what He stands for. But not just that. 'Presence evangelism' must lead, at some point, to a challenge to people to repent and commit their lives to Christ. Jesus did it. The apostles did it. We ..... ??? And then, of course, the 'decision' is but a beginning. We need to draw people into a society of disciples. People who are seriously seeking to serve the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Simple .....  but not easy. Can't escape the Cross .....