
Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Beautiful flavours

Once more at IBTS in Prague for 2 weeks, for the intensive research colloquia and conference, I am blessed by the wonderful blend of flavours in this gathering of committed ministers of the Gospel. It's so refreshing to see different yet complimentary perspectives brought together within the same overarching vision. Vladimir's commitment to meaningful social involvement and refreshing spin on church size, measured not by seats filled on Sundays but in terms of 'how many people does our congregation touch in Christ's name during the week?' Mike, who intentionally moved with his family out of a middle class church setting into a large housing estate, where a network of community houses have been established. Ernest, who insistently reminds us of the importance of speaking to people about Jesus Christ and the place of proclamation by word. These are the type of people who come to do research studies here. And it's great to be part of it!
Whoever we are, and however long we have been Christians, whatever we do for a living and no matter what situation and circumstance we are in, their is a journey and a path we can move forward on in our service of the Lord. Discovering and representing more of the full range of flavours and savours that arise from lives seeking to follow the way of Jesus Christ. I want to see us bring together such beautiful flavours in our life as church at Bristo.