
Thursday, 8 October 2009

'I am the Way, the Truth and the Life'

Those who seek to reduce Christianity to a set of ‘truth claims’ are unwittingly committing an act of blasphemy. To claim the possession of truth is to claim power over others. The disciple of Christ is not called to a position of power, but to a place of weakness and humility. We make no claims about our ability to possess truth. Rather, we seek to be possessed by truth. We bow in acknowledgement before Jesus Christ and submit to Him, as He declares Himself to be Truth. We look to and for the presence and power of the Holy Spirit to enable us enter His path and pursue His life.

When Jesus calls us to embrace Truth, He does not invite us to own propositions which make us feel superior to others. Instead, He invites us to embark on a journey along His way. He calls us and draws us into living His life. Faith, as Jesus Christ invites us to embrace it, is to embark on a journey of purposeful participation in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ Himself. It is about being drawn into Him. To be fundamentally changed in what we seek to get out of life and, consequently, put into life.

As Christians, we do should not seek to stand in a position of power over others, through claims to secret knowledge or special revelation. We do not want to claim that our understanding is complete or final. But we do acknowledge that, in the person of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we see the One we want to invest our lives in. And it is this investment into participation in the life and ministry of the One who declares Himself to be the Truth that we stand for and invite others to enter into.

The Bible is a book of rich diversity. It is there to help us see more and more of the richness of who Christ Jesus is. To change us and shape us. The Bible is like a doorman issuing us into the doorway. And then to enter into it. So do not imagine that you, my friend, are ever able to possess truth. You can only bow down in wonder and then rise up to follow the one who has declared Himself to be the Truth, the Light of the World.