
Monday, 18 May 2009

Genuine Prophecy

Prophecy is a vital part of church life, as Paul explains in 1 Corinthians 14. How do we recognise it?

Genuine prophecy makes Biblical sense

Genuine prophecy will resonate with the Scriptural testimony to Christ Jesus. It will have the flavour of God’s Covenant Promises as the appear in the Old Testament; the savour of the Law of Moses as it was outworked in the lives of God’s people; the sense of the Old Testament prophets, in calling people back to God and His ways.

Genuine prophecy is Christ centering

Genuine prophecy will focus on God’s call to have our lives founded on the Who, What and How of Jesus Christ. It will have the effect of calling, exhorting and encouraging us to follow our Master and Commander, Jesus Christ.

Genuine prophecy brings a hint of heaven for our lives

Genuine prophecy will affirm us in our life in Christ now. It offers hope and encouragement as to where God might take us in the future. This may be in the form of a picture or an insight offered humbly and respectfully.